Week4 Feb 5 Feb 11 - WangXueqing007/Master_Thesis GitHub Wiki

Feb 05:

  • Good insights from group meetings up till now:
    • Do replicates (repeated experiments).
    • Use controls to make your results trustable.

Feb 9:

  • GLIC Meeting:
  • Show the results: Lindane-4npq/4hfi, PFL-5muo. 4hfi at ~2', 4npq in the upper part, while in 5muo it is everywhere...
  • Reba: 4npq is more used.
  • Reba: Remove everything other than protein in the receptor structure--could explain a bit about the weird docking poses of PFL? (The crystallization state in detergent is unnatural...)
  • Reduce the grid size?
  • Lucie: Since docking is not very reliable anyways...Just go direct into my own project. Control groups should be enough! (for a master thesis)
  • To do:
  • A brief wrap-up is favorable?
  • Need to figure out why the bash line script works weird...
  • What is next?

Feb 9:

  • From the GLIC meeting:
  • The results (shown in google drive): lindane-4npq/4hfi correspond to the previous docking results. PFL-5muo doesn't (PFL everywhere).
  • Reba: restrain the docking grid to the original ligand area?
  • Reba: the detergent interferes--remove them; this may interpret a bit about the available docking positions?
  • Lucie: docking result is not very reliable anyways, and the control groups are enough (for a master thesis); go directly into the "real" project?

Feb 10 Sat:

  • To-do list:
  • Get more inspiration from papers. Focus on the method part--how do they do docking?
  • Solve the existed technical problems (reported in google drive study notes)
  • A good arrangement of folders (Macbook, hard drive & remote) is needed! ! ! (Now a bit messy and confusing)
  • Which insecticides to focus on?
  • Interactions--what aspects to look at?