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Doc Trabalhando com arquivos e pastas Doc Get-ChildItem Doc Test-Path Doc Working with files and folders
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PowerShell Intermediate Tutorial 5 : CSV Files PowerShell Intermediate Tutorial 6 : JSON & APIs [Intermediate] PowerShell Intermediate Tutorial 7 : XML [Intermediate]
Get-Content PowerShell: Lendo um arquivo texto PowerShell Intermediate Tutorial 5 : CSV Files [Intermediate] Usando Foreach para listar arquivos - TOP How to Concatenate String in PowerShell?
Tratando saída de arquivo How to send output to a file Usando GCI para valdar parte d eum texto dentro d eum arquivo
Get-ChildItem PowerShell Ultimate Guide Get-ChildItem - PDQ How to use PowerShell Get ChildItem Cmdlet How to use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet in PowerShell?
How to use Test-Path cmdlet in PowerShell Powershell Test-Path and If statement, executes both if and else statements Test-Path Test-Path on multiple computers of an AD Test-path always returns false. (searched first, really)
Trabalhando com arquivos e pastas
Schedule Your Tasks With PowerShell Scripts on Windows Server PowerShell Change owner of files and folders File Management with PowerShell Get All Files from a Folder using PowerShell
New-Item How to Use PowerShell new-item to Create Files and Directories? A Beginners Guide To PowerShell New-Item