9.6 Comandos do dia a dia PowerShell - Wanderson304/Azure-Geral GitHub Wiki

Comandos do dia a dia

Enable Script Execution in PowerShell Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Exibir opções de comandos

gcm -Module Azure* -Verb [Nome do comando]

  Show connection command:
  gcm -Module Azure* -verb connect

Install AzureRM install-module AzureRM

Install Azure install-module Azure

Connect to an azure account Connect-AzureRmAccount

  Before install the module AzureRm
  install-module AzureRM

  If necessary, import the AzureRM module
  Import-Module AzureRM 

Verificar se PowerShell_RM est[a instalado Get-Module PowerShellGet -list | Select-Object Name,Version,Path

Exibir as assinaturas da conta Get-AzSubscription

Exibir todos os grupos de recursos Get-AzResourceGroup