Setup Wonderland - WalkingMachine/sara_wiki GitHub Wiki
The database should be initialized and running on the main server.
On the server launch :
- python ~/sara_ws/src/wonderland/ runserver ip_address:8000
- roscore
- rosrun map_server map_server ~/sara_ws/src/sara_navigation/maps/map_name.yaml
- rosrun wonderland
- rviz
Connect to http://wonderland:8000/admin/ with the given credentials.
To add objects click on add besides entity :
Fill the needed informations :
- EntityClass = obejct name seen by wonderland
- EntityName = object
- EntityCategory = the category given by the robocup
Everything need to be launch from the "Run the database and the map"
- rosrun wonderland
- in RViz add :
- the fixed frame as /map
- add a map, topic /map
- marker, topic /visualization_maker_wonderland
- in the script :
- list the entitys with (4)
- set the position(2) or waypoint(3)
- set the ID with (1) or use and
- in RViz, use
to set the object position
- You should be able to see the map with the objects: