Firmware for the batterry management system (STM32F417xx) |
C |
2015-10-16T19:42:23Z |
2016-06-30T16:06:20Z |
LED-Visage |
Firmware pour la matrice de LEDs du visage |
C |
2015-10-19T21:32:52Z |
2016-11-03T15:05:24Z |
LED-Visage-Arduino |
C++ |
2015-12-20T07:38:22Z |
2017-06-15T23:46:18Z |
sara_desktop |
Desktop packages for the Sara robot |
2016-05-10T03:41:13Z |
2016-05-10T22:06:55Z |
sara_gazebo |
Simulation packages for the Sara package |
CMake |
2016-05-10T21:33:43Z |
2017-02-15T18:09:58Z |
sara_install |
Repository of rosinstall for easy installation |
Shell |
2016-05-11T03:40:18Z |
2017-06-13T18:09:00Z |
Safety_Stop-Arduino |
Arduino |
2016-05-14T17:50:48Z |
2016-06-11T18:54:37Z |
sara_web |
Web interface for SARA. Aim to work on the BeagleBone Black screen, but can be use from any device. |
2016-06-07T22:06:54Z |
2016-06-08T01:08:07Z |
PDF_creator |
C |
2016-06-25T19:27:35Z |
2016-06-28T13:11:04Z |
ros-travis-integration |
ROS package continuous integration using travis-CI |
CMake |
2016-09-21T19:47:44Z |
2016-09-21T19:47:45Z |
walkingmachine.github.io |
Walking Machine website repository. |
2016-10-08T22:14:19Z |
2017-03-08T01:01:43Z |
sara_speech_tts |
Speech node for sara |
Python |
2016-10-23T18:25:51Z |
2016-10-23T18:51:06Z |
roboteq |
ROS driver for serial-connected Roboteq motor drivers |
C++ |
2016-10-25T01:56:51Z |
2016-10-25T01:56:52Z |
sara_robocup_2016 |
Python |
2016-10-31T21:44:07Z |
2016-10-31T22:41:50Z |
sara_ui |
Our Qt 5.7 application to control the robot from here touchscreen in the back and on any device able to run a Qt application |
C++ |
2016-12-22T00:58:44Z |
2017-07-04T00:08:06Z |
wm_robocup_tdp |
Walking machine team description paper for Robocup |
TeX |
2016-12-31T20:50:30Z |
2017-03-09T23:26:32Z |
ROS_Guide |
This is our ROS guide for our new arrival |
TeX |
2017-01-23T18:40:57Z |
2017-03-24T18:18:35Z |
sara_description |
This repo contains the URDF model of sara |
CMake |
2017-01-23T21:18:07Z |
2017-07-08T16:24:16Z |
sara_launch |
The various launch file of S.A.R.A. |
CMake |
2017-01-23T21:18:48Z |
2017-07-30T05:10:55Z |
sara_moveit |
This repo contains the code for moveit |
C++ |
2017-01-23T21:19:27Z |
2017-03-03T04:57:05Z |
sara_vocab |
CMake |
2017-01-23T21:20:24Z |
2017-04-25T20:35:17Z |
sara_navigation |
The various packages for the navigation stack for S.A.R.A. |
CMake |
2017-01-23T21:21:56Z |
2017-01-24T17:30:24Z |
sara_arm_msgs |
The various packages for using S.A.R.A. arm. |
CMake |
2017-01-23T21:22:40Z |
2017-02-05T16:38:59Z |
wm_interpreter |
Python |
2017-01-23T21:23:25Z |
2017-02-05T17:09:39Z |
wm_people_follower |
C++ |
2017-01-23T21:24:50Z |
2017-10-20T21:19:34Z |
wm_robocup2016 |
Python |
2017-01-23T21:25:17Z |
2017-01-23T23:43:18Z |
wm_estop |
C++ |
2017-01-23T21:26:25Z |
2017-09-10T22:05:18Z |
wm_supreme_planner |
Python |
2017-01-23T21:26:55Z |
2017-01-23T23:29:11Z |
wm_tts |
CMake |
2017-01-23T21:27:21Z |
2017-02-05T18:33:19Z |
wm_dynamixel_controller |
Python |
2017-01-23T21:28:15Z |
2017-06-16T05:14:41Z |
wm_mecanum_cmd |
Python |
2017-01-23T21:29:08Z |
2017-06-16T05:14:49Z |
wm_odometry_feedback |
Python |
2017-01-23T21:30:30Z |
2017-01-23T23:15:56Z |
Repo for the firmware of the BMS |
C |
2017-01-26T18:33:14Z |
2017-01-26T18:49:13Z |
wm_pcl_preprocessing |
Tools for using the Kinect One (Kinect v2) in ROS |
C++ |
2017-02-04T19:36:15Z |
2017-06-20T23:40:42Z |
zbar_ros |
Lightweight ROS wrapper for zbar barcode/qrcode reader library |
C++ |
2017-02-05T18:37:09Z |
2017-02-05T18:37:10Z |
wm_kinova_hardware_interface |
C |
2017-02-05T20:28:29Z |
2017-06-16T18:38:17Z |
sara_follow_me |
Decision package to make the robot follow someone |
2017-02-08T18:59:52Z |
2017-02-08T18:59:52Z |
ros_install |
Repo that contains all of the rosinstall file |
2017-02-13T17:45:00Z |
2017-02-13T17:45:00Z |
wm_mecanum_base_controller |
Package containing a holohomic mecanum base velocity controller. |
C++ |
2017-02-24T00:06:26Z |
2017-03-10T19:04:46Z |
linemod |
An OR pipeline based on LINE-MOD from OpenCV |
C++ |
2017-02-24T07:10:51Z |
2017-02-24T07:10:53Z |
ork_renderer |
C++ |
2017-02-24T07:11:13Z |
2017-02-24T07:11:14Z |
robotiq_hardware |
Different robotiq hardware package (separated from robotiq_c2_description for simulation) |
Python |
2017-03-03T03:10:15Z |
2017-03-23T14:00:51Z |
robotiq_c2_description |
Robotiq c2 model description (urdf) |
CMake |
2017-03-03T04:07:23Z |
2017-03-09T23:28:55Z |
wm_mecanum_gazebo_plugin |
Mecanum wheels gazebo plugin taken from the simulation packages of Ridgeback, Clearpath robot. |
C++ |
2017-03-07T02:38:12Z |
2017-03-08T01:18:56Z |
ros-system-monitor |
System monitoring tools for ROS. |
Python |
2017-03-15T18:23:15Z |
2017-03-15T22:41:29Z |
wm_sound_localisation |
2017-03-15T19:33:14Z |
2017-03-15T19:33:14Z |
roboticsgroup_gazebo_plugins |
Mimic and desabled joint gazebo plugin |
C++ |
2017-03-23T19:19:53Z |
2017-03-23T19:25:03Z |
sara_robocup_2017 |
S.A.R.A. state machine and scenario for RoboCup2017 |
CMake |
2017-03-28T00:16:06Z |
2017-03-28T00:17:15Z |
sara_skills |
Python api to interact with S.A.R.A. |
CMake |
2017-04-06T00:23:56Z |
2017-04-06T00:38:31Z |
sara_udev |
udev rules for S.A.R.A. |
Shell |
2017-04-19T05:51:12Z |
2017-07-02T20:22:46Z |
objects_library |
Library for the different object sara will learn |
CMake |
2017-04-26T23:21:08Z |
2017-04-26T23:26:36Z |
sara_robot |
Metapackages for the robot code of S.A.R.A. |
CMake |
2017-04-27T20:39:42Z |
2017-04-27T20:43:13Z |
sara_simulation |
CMake |
2017-04-27T20:47:56Z |
2017-04-27T20:50:33Z |
sara_commun |
CMake |
2017-04-27T20:57:49Z |
2017-04-27T21:01:15Z |
wm_objects_selection |
Python |
2017-04-27T22:07:30Z |
2017-06-23T20:29:47Z |
dynamixel_control_hw |
TO BE TESTED Hardware interface for ros_control and the Dynamixels actuators |
C++ |
2017-04-29T17:29:16Z |
2017-05-28T03:09:51Z |
sara_control |
ros_control main loop for our robot S.A.R.A. |
CMake |
2017-05-02T01:45:07Z |
2017-06-16T05:13:56Z |
rviz |
2017-05-20T17:03:17Z |
2017-05-20T21:06:29Z |
sara_behaviors |
Walking Machine FlexBe state machine |
Python |
2017-05-21T19:19:46Z |
2017-05-21T19:29:14Z |
introlab-ros-pkg |
Makefile |
2017-05-22T19:42:06Z |
2017-06-27T02:27:43Z |
PDF_StoringGroceries |
Generate a PDF base on elements from the storing groceries scenario |
TeX |
2017-05-26T20:05:17Z |
2017-05-26T20:16:50Z |
wm_face_analyzer |
Ros wrapper for the Affectiva emotion SDK |
JavaScript |
2017-05-26T20:23:51Z |
2017-06-17T03:41:58Z |
ros_best_practices |
Best practices, conventions, and tricks for ROS |
C++ |
2017-05-29T00:00:43Z |
2017-05-29T00:00:44Z |
wonderland |
API for One World Model |
Python |
2017-06-04T02:07:27Z |
2017-06-10T15:49:47Z |
sara_openni_camera |
A ROS driver for OpenNI depth (+ RGB) cameras. |
C++ |
2017-06-05T22:38:33Z |
2017-06-05T22:40:29Z |
sara_teleop |
CMake |
2017-06-15T23:46:19Z |
2017-07-26T00:32:35Z |
wm_door_detector |
CMake |
2017-06-17T18:42:35Z |
2017-06-17T18:43:12Z |
robotiq_140_gripper |
ROS package for the Robotiq 85 Gripper using RS485 communication |
Python |
2017-06-17T20:07:49Z |
2017-06-17T20:09:05Z |
sara_joke |
CMake |
2017-06-18T16:50:29Z |
2017-06-18T16:50:54Z |
wm_openni2_camera |
ROS wrapper for openni 2.0 |
C++ |
2017-06-24T23:13:38Z |
2017-06-24T23:13:56Z |
wm_robotiq_hardware_interface |
C++ |
2017-06-26T20:15:00Z |
2017-06-26T22:39:11Z |
wm_roboteq_hardware_interface |
Walking Machine roboteq hardware interface |
C++ |
2017-06-27T00:13:24Z |
2017-06-27T00:31:53Z |
wm_battery_screen |
C++ |
2017-07-02T16:26:27Z |
2017-07-03T00:48:00Z |
wm_dynamixel |
C++ |
2017-07-02T20:34:13Z |
2017-07-02T20:43:07Z |
robotiq_140_description |
CMake |
2017-07-07T04:37:40Z |
2017-07-07T16:45:08Z |
wm_bms_LiDrill_Arduino |
Arduino |
2017-07-08T01:29:59Z |
2017-07-12T03:08:54Z |
wm_ArduinoLibrary |
C++ |
2017-07-09T18:12:10Z |
2017-07-10T16:10:33Z |
agile_grasp |
A ROS package to detect grasp poses in point clouds. |
C++ |
2017-07-10T18:02:38Z |
2017-07-10T18:02:40Z |
wm_speech_recognition |
CMake |
2017-07-18T04:14:16Z |
2017-07-18T04:15:17Z |
wm_moveit_server |
C++ |
2017-07-18T13:47:27Z |
2017-07-18T13:48:49Z |
wm_google_natural_language |
Google cloud natural language processing |
CMake |
2017-07-18T17:47:36Z |
2017-07-18T17:48:19Z |
ScreenCreator |
Simple screen script that create multiple windows and executing given cmd |
Shell |
2017-07-21T07:24:49Z |
2017-07-21T07:24:50Z |
lab_ros_speech_to_text |
ROS Speech to Text module, currently relies on Google Speech API. Allow continuous speech-to-text from microphone inputs. |
CMake |
2017-07-27T11:46:10Z |
2017-07-27T11:46:12Z |
wm_speech_splitter |
wm_speech_splitter |
CMake |
2017-07-27T12:45:31Z |
2017-07-27T12:46:20Z |
wm_sound_library |
Sounds used by the robot SARA |
CMake |
2017-07-28T08:54:01Z |
2017-07-28T08:56:49Z |
build_server_script |
script to help deploy our build server |
2017-08-16T17:41:18Z |
2017-08-16T17:41:18Z |
wm_logs_to_slack |
Send rosout_agg errors to a slack channel |
CMake |
2017-08-25T00:24:11Z |
2017-08-25T00:28:00Z |
sara_msgs |
CMake |
2017-09-09T19:28:04Z |
2017-09-09T19:28:28Z |
wm_darknet |
C++ |
2017-09-11T00:31:38Z |
2017-09-11T18:46:48Z |
wm_color_detector |
2017-09-24T20:51:53Z |
2017-09-24T20:51:53Z |
sara_wiki |
General wiki on how to use S.A.R.A. |
2017-09-30T01:59:37Z |
2017-09-30T01:59:37Z |