Right sidebar. Open orders WAIV - Waiviogit/waivio GitHub Wiki

Open orders WAIV - these are two tables for displaying open buy and sell orders for waiv token.

Orders sorted by price (orange in layout). For buy - from larger to smaller, for sell - from smaller to larger. We will display 5 (taking into account sorting), after clicking on the show more - will load 5 more and so on. All numbers rounded to 3 decimal places. Tables are displayed only for the WAIV wallet

TITLE Buy orders
HIVE сolumn to show hive quantity - how much will be spent to buy a token
WAIV сolumn to show waiv quantity - how many tokens will be purchased
BID column for displaying the price at which the order will be executed
MORE after clicking on the Show more - will load 5 more and so on
REFRESH after clicking on the refresh button - the tables will be with new data
TITLE Sell orders
ASK column for displaying the price at which the order will be executed
WAIV сolumn to show waiv quantity - how much will be spent to sell a token
HIVE сolumn to show hive quantity - how many tokens will be purchased
MORE after clicking on the Show more - will load 5 more and so on
REFRESH after clicking on the refresh button - the tables will be with new data
