Reports - Waiviogit/waivio GitHub Wiki

Page for creation of a report on people who completed the review. The report can be compiled for any hive user, who has ever been a sponsor (Guest user can't be a sponsor). The page consists of a form for filling in with data to receive a report with exactly these criteria, and a table as a result.

PAGE_TITLE "Reports :"
SPONSOR Title - "* Sponsor:". Sponsor search field. The required field is marked with an asterisk. Placeholder: "Find users". After searching for a sponsor and clicking on it in the search list, the card of the selected sponsor will be displayed below the field.
SPONSOR_CARD by default, the card of the user who is authorized is selected.
After searching for a sponsor (SPONSOR) and clicking on it in the search list, the card of the selected sponsor will be displayed below the field.
There is a cross button on the card to delete.
If you delete the card, the SUBMIT button will be inactive.
FROM Title - "From:". Date selection field, from this date reports will be displayed. Placeholder - "Select date and time". After clicking, the calendar opens.
TILL Title - "Till:". Date selection field, reports will be displayed before this date. By default, the real time date is displayed. After clicking, the calendar opens.
TOTAL_AMOUNT Title - "Or total amount:".
  • Field for entering the total amount of payments for the campaign. Placeholder - "Enter amount".
  • Dropdown for currency selection. Items: WAIV (by default), {userCurrency}.
  • Checkbox to enable processing fee "Include processing fees" - all additional transfers, commissions are taken into account.
OBJECT Title - "With links to an object:". A field for searching for an object by which objects will be displayed. Placeholder - "Find object". After searching for a sponsor and clicking on it in the search list, the card of the selected sponsor will be displayed below the field. Optional.
OBJECT CARD by default, the card of the user who is authorized is selected.
After searching for an object (OBJECT) and clicking on it in the search list, the card of the selected object will be displayed below the field.
There is a cross button on the card to delete.
SUBMIT button "Submit" to confirm report generation. After clicking, a block is displayed with the entered information on which to generate a report.
HIVE_REPORTS "Report (HIVE) link to HIVE reports."

Information on which the report will be generated - text block where information from the form is displayed.
Consists of:
Reviews sponsored by @{sponsorName}
From: {date}
Till: {date}
With links to an object: {objectName}
Total amount: {amount}

DATE the date of the transfer. Title - "Date & Time (GMT)".
ACTION additional information about the written review:
  • Review by @{user} (requested by @sponsor)
  • Review: {primaryObject}, {secondaryObject}
  • Beneficiaries: {mainApp} (3%), {sponsor} (97%)

All names (users and objects) are clickable, after clicking the corresponding page opens. In the second line of the review is also clickable, after clicking a full screen of the review of the post opens. All clickable links are highlighted in orange.
Title - "Action".
DETAILS links:
  • Reservation - link to reservation
  • Report - link to report
AMOUNT the amount of remuneration for a specific review. The amount for the review, if a new one appears, then a new one is added to the old amount
BALANCE running total


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