Primary card - Waiviogit/waivio GitHub Wiki

Primary card - it is the card for an object which has a campaign. And for this campaign, this object is the primary object.

Element Description
AVATAR object avatar, after clicking - the object page is opened.
NAME object name, after clicking - the object page is opened.
PARENT parent of the object. If the object has no parent, then nothing is displayed. if present, it displays above the object name, in gray letters, after clicking - the primary object page is opened.
RATING object rating. There is an opportunity to vote on stars.
OBJECT_TYPE object type. Not clickable.
TAGS object tags. Display the 2 with the highest weight. Not clickable.
ADDRESS object address without postcode and country. Not clickable.
INFO if the object has a title, then it is displayed, if there is no title, but there is a description, the description is displayed. If there is no title and description, nothing is displayed. Not clickable.
PRICE object price. Not clickable.
YOU_EARN YOU EARN: {currencyIcon} {price} - the largest review reward is displayed.
EARN button "Earn {price} {currency}" to go to the list of secondaries of objects. On the same page, the content of the central feed changes to a list of secondaries by cards. If the primary object contains several secondary objects and there is a range of prices, then only the maximum value is indicated with the prefix "Earn up to {price}". {price} - on the card, the amount must be shown with two decimal places
HEART button to add to shop. If primary object is book or product type.

Everything that is displayed on the card, regulated, edited, added to the object page.

