Object type: Lists (for Social Gifts) - Waiviogit/waivio GitHub Wiki

On the social.gifts site, lists play a pivotal role in manually creating product catalogs. The list presentation is optimized for full-screen usage, with significant emphasis placed on list avatars. List has /checklist/ in URL.

Information about header and navigation menu


BREADCRUMBS - This feature displays a path with breadcrumbs that can be built, leading from one list to another, etc.

CARDS - A list of cards representing the objects within this list. Each card includes an avatar, name, and count.

ABOUT - Provides the list title and description, along with the main avatar.

image image

Additional information

  • [*.social.gifts / lists] presentation of lists on websites #5138
  • Add title and description for new list on social sites #5888
  • [social.gifts / editing] By analogy with editing products, you need to allow admins to edit lists. In Edit mode, only the last list is opened without nesting. #6273
  • [social.gifts / descriptions] increase the amount of allowed text by 2 times before the rest is hidden under Show more #6481