Campaign type: Mention - Waiviogit/waivio GitHub Wiki

The sponsor creates campaigns with the mention type, where there can be links to objects, users, and external links. Users do not need to reserve a campaign. The user writes a post with campaign requirements. We automatically parse the posts and determine if the post is eligible for the campaign, then the post receives the reward promised by the campaign.

Additional information

  • Add a new campaign type: Mention #6580 #6582
  • [mentions / card] in the card the call on the button is changed to “Mention Now!”, also in the Details screen, there is also a similar button there. #6826
  • [mentions / confirmation] changes to the text on the screen with campaign details #6828
  • [mentions / messaging] revise the text of comments placed under user posts #6831
  • [campaigns / mentions] In the Create dialog, you need to improve the search for objects. "@" should be taken as a filter for users, and "#" - hashtags. You also need to check the stability of search and navigation through the results. #6814
  • [profile / reward] If the user has a mention campaign, display both the primary and secondary reward cards in their Posts, as on objects. #6785
  • [mentions / messages] Add the ability for messaging between the sponsor and the user for the mention campaign type #6884
  • Fix rewards if one post was completed as mention and review for same sponsor. #7030