Team Member Roles - Wait-For-It-123/logiCAD GitHub Wiki
We will use the Model-View-Controller pattern for our project. Team members are assigned to one of the three sections (Model, View or Controller) initially. For the project as a whole, a team member will generally work in his assigned section, but depending on the phase of the project the team is currently working on, specific assignments may be given that do not correspond to his general area as needed (e.g., the Prototype phase requires no functionality, so little is to be done for the model; therefore, all team members will work under the View for this phase). For future phases of the project, a team member's assigned area (to Model, View, or Controller) may be changed to a new area if all team members agree. The initial general areas for each team member is given below in the first table. Detailed assignment of tasks are given further below for each team member for the Prototype and MVP phases.
General Team Member Roles (Model, View, or Controller): Zachary Salim: Model Ian Wilson: Model Christopher Orcutt: View Al-Baqi Davies: View Clayton Tuyn: Controller
Specific Team Member Assigned Tasks (Prototype & MVP):
Zachary Salim:
- Logic gate, input/output signal toolbar in GUI
- Youtube video production
- Youtube video production
- Readme document
- Classes for input and output signals
- System to keep track of global coordinates of circuit elements in the work space
Ian Wilson:
- Drop-down menus in GUI
- Youtube video production
- Youtube video production
- Readme document
- Classes for logic gates
- Code that allows for logic gate inter-communication to allow for signal propagation
Christopher Orcutt:
- About section in user interface that tells user about software.
- Youtube video production
- Youtube video production
- Ensures that when user selects an option under the drop-down menus or clicks a button in the GUI that the appropriate thing is displayed / thing changes in the GUI.
- Ensures user has appropriate input method for changing input signal values for circuit testing.
Al-Baqi Davies:
- Making or finding icons for logic gates, input and output signals
- Youtube video production
- Youtube video production
- Ensures that model changes are properly reflected in the GUI at appropriate times
- Code that allows for logic gate inter-communication to allow for signal propagation.
Clayton Tuyn:
- Work space and side-bar for GUI
- Youtube video production
- Youtube video production
- Algorithm that connects any two circuit elements with a wire using line-segments at 90-degree angles. Uses coordinates of circuit elements.
- Ensures that user interaction with the GUI (button clicks, key presses) generates the appropriate event to notify the model of the change.