Collaboration Highlight Circuit Element - Wait-For-It-123/logiCAD GitHub Wiki
Reviewer/Contact: Clayton Tuyn
The task is to improve the connect button usability by highlighting the first selected gate when making connections.
- After "Connect" button is pressed and the first (parent) gate has been clicked, change the parent gate's image to make it appear highlighted.
- Do not highlight any wires, just the appropriate gate
- The highlighting of the parent gate should ONLY occur when the "Connect" button has been pressed. Clicking a gate without first clicking "Connect" should NOT highlight that gate.
- After the connection has been made (the child has been clicked), the parent gate's original image should be restored; i.e., the highlighting should no longer be there
- If another button is pressed (including pressing "Connect" again) before the connection is completed, the parent gate's original image should be restored; i.e., the highlighting should no longer be there