Collaboration Escape Hotkey File Writer - Wait-For-It-123/logiCAD GitHub Wiki

Welcome to your task(s).

Your reviewer and contact for this task is Zachary Salim.

Task 1 - Escape Hotkey: You need to make a key-listener in that will listen for the escape key and invalidate any option button or gate button that has been clicked. HINT- Look at the cancel button listener. For more information on please see GUI (Explanation of

Testing: Run the application and select any action, press 'escape' and see if you can still perform the action. If not you have succeeded, if you still can try again.

Task 2 - File Writer: You need to write a method in that will take in a string and write it out to a text file (name doesn't matter). This file will be written to the current directory of the executable. You will have a stubbed out method at the bottom of called void fileWriter(String string). For more information on please see GUI (Explanation of

Testing: Call the method with a string and check to see if a text file containing that string appears in the current directory.