Routing - WaZeR-Adrien/Lightwork-api GitHub Wiki

Create a route :

 * @param string $method : GET / POST / PUT / DELETE...
 * @param string $endpoint
 * @param string $callable
 * @param string $name
 * @param boolean $needToken
 * @param array $needRole
 * @param array $params
 * @param array $bodies
 * @return Route
public function add($method, $endpoint, $callable, $name = null, $needToken = null, $needRole = [], $params = [], $bodies = [])

Parameters of this function :

Num Param name Description Example Require
1 Method / Type The type of the route like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE... $router->add("POST", ...) Yes
2 Endpoint The endpoint of the route $router->add(..., "/users", ...) Yes
3 Callable The name of the controller followed by a slash and method (function) name $router->add(..., "User#getAll", ...) Yes
4 Name The name / title of the route which will be in the documentation $router->add(..., "Get list of Users", ...) Yes
5 Need token If the user require a token to call the route $router->add(..., true, ...) No
6 Need role The role(s) required to call the route $router->add(..., [">" => 2, "<=" => 4], ...) No
7 Parameters The parameters in the URL $router->add(..., ["id" => Int], ...) No
8 Bodies The body sent by POST, PUT... $router->add(..., ["*password" => "String"], ...) No

Examples :

  • GET :
$router->add('GET', '/users', "User#getAll", "Get all User");
  • POST :
$router->add('POST', '/users', "User#add", "Add a new User", true, [
    '>' => 2,
    '<=' => 5
], [], [
    '*email' => '',
    '*password' => 'String',
    'name' => 'String',
    'age' => 'Int',
  • PUT :
$router->add('PUT', '/users/:id', "User#edit", "Edit a User", true, [], [
    'id' => 'Int'
  • DELETE :
$router->add('DELETE', '/users/:id', "User#delete", "Delete a User", true, [], [
    'id' => 'Int'
  • Groupe :
$router->group('/users', function (Group $group) {

    $group->add('GET', '/:slug-:id', "User#index", "Just index", true, [], [
        'slug' => 'String'

}, null, [], [ // Params of routes in this group
    'id' => 'Int',
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️