metabolic analysis - WXlab-NJMU/scrna-recom GitHub Wiki

Metabolic Analysis

Tools: scFEA


scrna-metabolism <infile> <outdir>

cell-wise metabolic estimation using scFEA

positional arguments:
  infile                Input seurat count matrix csv file
  outdir                output directory

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --refdir REFDIR       scFEA model directory
  --species SPECIES     human or mouse, default is human
  --moduleGene MODULEGENE
                        table contains genes for each module
  --stoichiometry STOICHIOMETRY
                        table contains relations between compounds and modules
  --cName CNAME         The name of compounds, 2 rows: compounds name and id
  --imputation IMPUTATION
                        Whether perform imputation for SC data, default is True
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