Sprint Planning Meeting 10 20 2020 - WSU-4110/Wayne-State-Blood-Bank GitHub Wiki
Meeting on 10/20/2020
- Request Blood Donors Backend
- Collect all inputs from the front end in JSON format and convert to requestBlood objects.
- Then do the backend validation.
- Information collected includes:
- Validate the name of the requestor
- Validate blood type
- Hospital name
- Hospital address - Street, City, Postal code
- Validate the Phone number of the requestor
- Write queries to create a view of blood donors with the matching blood that takes in the blood requested by the user.
- Store the results in a list and send it to Lloyd's code. That result will contain the Wayne email id of the users with matching blood. Lloyd needs to send emails to those people.
- Notify the Matching Donors Backend
- Send Feedback backend tasks
- Send Feedback Backend Task For Creating Feedback (github issue)
- Viewing Feedback as Admin Backend Task (github issue)
- Resolving Feedback As Admin Backend Task (github issue)
- Edit Profile Page Backend Tasks
- Edit User Profile Backend Task (github issue)
- Get Profile Information Backend Task (github issue)
- Send Feedback frontend tasks
- Create frontend for sending feedback
- Create frontend for receiving feedback as an admin
- Create the admin portal and admin login frontend
- Add contact email and connect social media to the website
- Create frontend for edit profile
- Create frontend for request blood donors feature
Additional notes from meeting:
Decided to remove the address and access id requirement for the registration. It was determined that these two input fields are no longer needed for the functionality of the project and there is no point in collecting user information that has no purpose in our project.
Decided to update the edit profile requirement from Name, address, location, donor status, donor history, password. To First Name, Last Name, password, phone number, and donor status. This change is primarily due to no longer needing the users address.
Decided to start writing our tasks as github issues in addition to adding them to the wiki. The decision to break down requirements into tasks and write them in github issues instead of only including them on the wiki was done to help team members know the specifics of what everyone is implementing and to help team members keep better track of their progress towards completing a specific feature.