Sprint Planning Meeting 10 1 2020 - WSU-4110/Wayne-State-Blood-Bank GitHub Wiki
Meeting on October 1st
Tia registration
- Create tables in database
- User details
- Blood donor list
- Backend validation for passwords and usernames
- Create function to insert data to the database
- Update information in the database
- Testing
- Write class for registration
- Validation of registration
Lloyd verification of email
- Create java class for sending emails
- Load templates for emails
- Link expiring
- Connect registration part with verification email
- Test the code
- Create an email account for the application
Jacob login and logout
- Create database schema
- Storing passwords securely
- Methods for creating accounts
- Deleting accounts
- Updating the password
- Automatic log out after inactivity
- Checks the user credentials
- Add roles for the accounts
- Directing to the access denied page
- Methods to create and remove verification tokens from the database
Kyle home page and login
- Code for the user interface
- Validation for passwords
- Alert the user regarding incorrect passwords
- Write css for designing
- Compatible on multiple screen sizes
Khang registration web page
- code for the user interface
- validation for passwords
- validation for email
- validation for phone number format
- formatting the form
- alert boxes when error pop up