Sprint Retrospective 3 - WSU-4110/SmartShopper GitHub Wiki

Sprint 3 Aftermath

What was accomplished?

  • Creating a list from a previous list
  • Clearing of the two databases
  • Push notifications on mobile devices
  • Final UI
  • Implementation of splash screen

What was not accomplished?

  • Searchable search bar
  • Automatic notification
  • Sorting algorithms based of price, alphabetical, etc.
  • Bill summary

Even though the above features would've made the application more complete, we had to make decisions on what we wanted to truly have running for the first deployment. During our sprint meetings, we prioritized and talked about what would make the app the best, and how feasible it was to implement. Not everything we left out was necessarily hard to do, but more so that the weight of what we knew would make the app functional, was heavier. What we ended up choosing to move forward with was something that we all believed was necessary for a good usable app.