Sprint Retrospective 2 - WSU-4110/SmartShopper GitHub Wiki

Sprint 2 Aftermath

What was accomplished?

  • Navigation allows to traverse through screens.
  • Upon taping a garbage can, an item will get deleted (unlike taping on an item previously)
  • SmartShopper has a database that stores new items.
  • History of added items can be seen in History.
  • History of current items can be seen in My List

What was not accomplished?

  • Search bar is still not fully functional
  • Push notifications are still work in progress.
  • Deletion from database needs to be implemented.

What will carry over to Sprint 3?

  • A functional search bar was difficult to implement thus we decided to leave it for sprint 3 to work on other functionalities.
  • Push notifications is very important to implement in upcoming sprint 3 to fulfill one of our specified issues.
  • Deletion from database is our top priority to implement since in order for our app to properly work we need a fully working database that adds into and deletes from database.