Scrum Meeting #10 3 12 2021 - WSU-4110/SmartShopper GitHub Wiki

SmartShopper Scrum Meeting #10 CSC4111 3/12/2021

Scrum Meeting 10

Sprint 2 Reflect

What went well

  • How we stayed focus at meetings
  • How we helped each other at the meeting
  • How we were all willing to help each other with their tasks

What we can improve on

  • If we are stuck reach out for help

  • Need to start seeing what is the most important and what is not

                **Quick Meeting to go over Sprint 2 tomorrow we will talk about Sprint 3**

This Week

  • Think about Sprint 3

  • Plan out the final main stretch for Sprint 3

                                  **NEXT MEETING 3/13/21 talk about Sprint 3**