Sprint 2 - WSU-4110/LifeStyle- GitHub Wiki
Sprint 2
The primary goal of this sprint is to have a complete and functional database with user login page and profile page, and deploying a smart contract for the LIFE token, to where the supply in a hard wallet
List of storied planned to be complete:
Homepage/Login- Ezra/Shojib-10
Profile Page - Sunny/Mustafa-10
Database - Ezra/Shojib-10
Smart Contract - Mustafa - 10
Expect 10-15 hours per student
We have four team members - So 40 hours will be put in by the team for this sprint Breaking stories into specific tasks
Sprint 2
Ezra(Create Account) https://github.com/WSU-4110/LifeStyle-/issues/1
Shojib(Login) https://github.com/WSU-4110/LifeStyle-/issues/14
Mustafa (View user page) https://github.com/WSU-4110/LifeStyle-/issues/15
Sunny (edit account) https://github.com/WSU-4110/LifeStyle-/issues/16
Database Ezra (security) https://github.com/WSU-4110/LifeStyle-/issues/21
Shojib(privacy) https://github.com/WSU-4110/LifeStyle-/issues/17
Mustafa (Like/love post)https://github.com/WSU-4110/LifeStyle-/issues/2
Mustafa (Comment)https://github.com/WSU-4110/LifeStyle-/issues/3