Current Parameters of Scenarios - WRITE399W14Team01/TermProject GitHub Wiki
Here are the current decisions regarding the scenario parameters. Please modify your own section as you decide on what your scenario will be focussed on.
- Area: The Lab (Hub)
- Main character: Protagonist
- Supporting character(s): The Machine
- Theme: Pursuit of Pleasure vs. Acceptence of Suffering
- Conflict: Self-Discovery
- Proofs of Growth (Feats): N/A
- Item Slot(s): N/A
- Subspecialty of Science: Modern
- Scientific Research: *****
- Source: *****
- Area: Galapagos Caves
- Main character: Charles Darwin
- Supporting character(s): N/A
- Theme: Personal Gain vs. Self-Sacrifice
- Conflict: Self-Preservation
- Proofs of Growth (Feats): Efficiency and Patience
- Item Slot(s): *****
- Subspecialty of Science: Botany
- Scientific Research: *****
- Source: *****
- Area: Observatory
- Main character: Galileo
- Supporting character(s): N/A
- Theme: Doing vs. Teaching
- Conflict: Overcoming geocentrism, telescope
- Proof of Growth (Feats): Solitude vs. Leadership
- Item Slot(s): gloves & cloak
- Subspecialty of Science: Astronomy
- Scientific Research: *****
- Source: *****
- Area: Gates of Qufu
- Main character: Confucius
- Supporting character(s): Lu Cheng, Villagers
- Theme: Judging Others vs. Sympathizing with Others (Golden Rule)
- Conflict: Virtue Ethics
- Proof of Growth (Feats): Virtue and Reciprocity
- Item Slot(s): *****
- Subspecialty of Science: Economics
- Scientific Research: Mercantilism
- Source: 'A Real Book on Economics'
- Area: Elis, Greece
- Main character: Pyrrho
- Supporting character(s): Timon
- Theme: Intuition vs. Understanding
- Conflict: Deduction
- Proof of Growth (Feats): Solitude and Citizenship
- Item Slot(s): Sandals/Dagger/Axe/Peasant Cloak/Greek Tunic and Ring
- Subspecialty of Science: Logic
- Scientific Research: Philosophy of the Faculty of Understanding
- Source: Kant's "Prolegomena to perhaps Any Future Metaphysics"