IR Sensor Analysis - WPISmartmouse/Smartmouse_2018 GitHub Wiki

How fast do our sensors need to be?

To get 650Hz, they mathematically need to take less than 1.5ms to read. Next we account for 200us of KC + 32us of scheduling + 7us of motors + 10us of other stuff. This sums to 249us. Which means our sensors actually should take less than 1.2ms to read.

Choosing Sensors

In order to be able to read our sensors at 650Hz, we can't rely on any packaged sensors. They'll all just too slow to change. So we will use simple diode and phototransistors which are much faster. The biggest factor I think will be angle-of-half-sensitivity/intensity.

IR Emitting Diodes:

Part Number Wavelength Half Angle Datasheet Purchasing
VSLY5850 850nm 3 datasheet digikey
VSLY5940 940nm 3 datasheet digikey
VSMB2943SLX01 940nm 25 datasheet digikey
VSMY2853SL digikey
VSLB3940 940nm +-22 datasheet Mouser
TSAL6100 940 +-10 datasheet Mouser
TSAL6200 940 +-17 datasheet Mouser
TSUS5402 950 +-22 datasheet Mouser

IR Phototransistors:

Part Number Wavelength Half Angle Datasheet Purchasing
BPW77NB 850nm 10 datasheet digikey
BPV11F 940nm 15 datasheet digikey
VEMT2023SLX01 860nm 35 datasheet digikey
TEFT4300 (3mm) 940nm +-30 datasheet
LTR-209 (3mm) 940nm +-8 datasheet Mouser
LTR-4206E 940nm +-10 datasheet digikey
TEKT5400S 940nm +-37 datasheet digikey

The 940nm receivers have a day light filter on them, so I think we should use those even though they have a wider half angle. These are highlighted in bold

Beam patterns

BPV11F Receiver


VSLY5940 Emitter


General Circuit Schematic

IR Circuit

Choosing the resistor value

For the phototransistor side, there is a resistor (R1 on the 2018 sensor board) which adjusts the sensitivity.

This source offers this equation:

$$ V_{cc} > R_1 * I_{cc} $$

The datasheet for the LTR-209 lists the "On State Collector Current" as 4ma typical--which I think means the $I_{cc}$ from above. our $V_{cc}$ should be 3.3v. So that means $R_1$ should be less than $\frac{3.3}{0.004}=825\Omega$. The lower R1 is, the higher sensitivity will be. We picked $360\Omega$ for our testing.

Testing with $360\Omega$ R1

We built two sensors and mounted them to a 3d printed part which positions them a repeatable and known distance to a flat surface.

Sensor Board Letter Mean ADC Value over 50 samples
A 116.56
B 351.72