Getting up to Speed (Undergraduate Students) - WPI-Atlas-Lab/AtlasLab GitHub Wiki
Things to do to get started as undergrad in lab:
configure computer:
- Log into computer on Atlas account
- Password ________________
- Top right of screen, click on "Atlas" with little head next to it
- Click User Accounts -> unlock, + (add account)
- account type: Administrator, create user name and password
*create github account. ask Matt to add you to lab group
cd ~/Downloads
wget -N
sudo chmod +x workspace_setup.bash
useful terminal commands
* drchome //brings you to workspace, cannot use git commands unless in workspace
* drceclipse //setup to use eclipse. Run after making big changes to library/workspace
* drcmake //build files
* roslaunch wrecs_simulator_launch drc_practice_task_1.launch // launch simulator to test code
* roslaunch wrecs_bringup offline.launch // launch gui, done after simulator is launched
* rosrun rviz rviz // run rviz
Useful git commands
- Create new branch from master.
###Do not work on master, commit to master, or push to master!
- See git commands for making new branch
ROS: Do beginner level tutorials, skip python
To open from terminal: qtcreator
- a good tutorial:
- open from terminal, to open
- in "Project Explorer" right click -> import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace -> next
- in select root directory click Browse -> user -> drc_workspace -> build -> finish