Dragons - WOLOLOMyChild/Realm_of_Thrones_Wiki GitHub Wiki

Dragons are a very rare Mount in Realm of Thrones. As of RoT 5.0, there are 4 Dragons available to the player.

Daenerys Targaryen

Daenerys is one of the sources where the player can get 3 dragons. You will encounter her like any other lord or lady roaming the map. Where normal lords ride horses Daenerys rides one of her dragons into battle. Just like in the show, she'll have Drogon, Viserion, and Rhaegal. To acquire these 3 sought-after mounts the player will have to defeat her in battle and take her prisoner afterwards. Once that is accomplished the player can talk to her OUTSIDE a settlement and have the option to steal one of her 3 dragons. You can repeat this process for another 2 times to get all 3. Remember that you can only do this AFTER you let her go again.

Stealing her dragons will make Daenerys hate the player and she will likely declare war!


With 5.0 RoT added another way to get 1 dragon. The player is now able to visit the city Mantarys. Walking around town the player will encounter a NPC called Gimli who tells him about a stolen dragon egg and a Valiryan man with that same egg. Walking a bit more around town you will encounter Maegor. If the player has already talked to Gimli he can challenge Maegot to a duel. Winning that duel awards the player with the red dragon.

BEWARE! You only have one chance to beat him, should you lose he will leave that save forever, so be prepared or make sure to save! That fight is extremely hard since you will have to fight him in civilian gear while he has full armor and a 2H sword!

PRO TIP: Use the photo mode bannerlord provides to scout his position. While using the Photo mode time is frozen and makes it way easier to find him!



Cheat Menu

There are other dragons available via the cheat menu. Those dragons have the prefix flying and can fly in battle in contrast to the other dragons. Those flying variants are not fully finished, hence why they are not normally available. You activate the cheat mode the following way:

  1. Open the in-game console (alt + tilde, that`s the button under ESC).
  2. Type in config.cheat_mode 1 and hit enter.
  3. Open your inventory. On the left side, you can see all items available. Take the dragon you want.
  4. Repeat step 1, type in config.cheat_mode 0 and hit enter!

Side Note: You may receive a dragon via other means if you use mods like Royal Armoury FIX!

Dragon Controls

F = Breathe fire

+ (Numpad) = take flight (only in villages unless you have a flying variant)

Hold Space (while looking up) = ascend

Hold Space (while looking down) = descend

Descend low enough and you’ll transition to the ground state automatically!