Endpoints - WLSF/bank GitHub Wiki
Currently the project contains 3 fully working endpoints, including:
Accounts creation
This endpoint stands at /api/accounts with POST method, and it receives the following parameters:
"account": {
"cpf": "059.941.023-02",
"birth_date": "1990-01-20",
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": "Marcus",
"city": "Your City",
"state": "Your State",
"country": "Your Country",
"gender": "male"
The example above already contains the mask demo for specific fields like CPF, birth_date and email. Your CPF must be: xxx.xxx.xxx-xx Your birthdate must be: yyyy-mm-dd Your email must be: [email protected]
OBS: The referral_code shouldn't be on your request unless you have a referral code from a friend of yours.
- You don't need to be authenticated to execute this function.
- Using a CPF that's already registered will execute an update of the data on the existent account.
- Your account must be complete to receive a referral_code that you can share with your friends. (complete: have all fields filled as shown above)
- If you have a referral_code from a friend, just insert into the body request among the other arguments (ex- "referral_code": 99945711)
Sign in
This endpoint stands at /api/login with POST method, it receives the following body parameters:
"email": "[email protected]",
"cpf": "xxx.xxx.xxx-xx"
If your data is set correctly the endpoint will answer with a 200 (:ok) and a JWT token that you can use to execute the indications request.
This endpoints stands at /api/indications with GET method.
For this endpoint you need:
- Be authenticated into our system, with a JWT token of your account.
- Own a complete account status, with all the fields filled