Installing - WEYTEC/LMSS GitHub Wiki

Installing LMSS

Install Package

Graphical Package Manager

Download the latest binary release suitable for your distro (deb/rpm based) and install the package with your favourite package manager. On most distributions just navigate to your downloaded package and double click it, a graphical package manager will guide you through the install process.

NOTE: On some distributions (e.g. Ubuntu) you must choose download file in your browser, as Open with -> Software Install will fail with a message like: "Failed to install file: not supported"

CLI Package Manager

For terminal Linux users:

  • deb-based (Ubuntu, Debian, ...): sudo dpkg -i /PATH/TO/PACKAGE.deb
  • rpm-based (CentOS, RHEL, Fedora, ...): sudo yum install /PATH/TO/PACKAGE.rpm

Manual Install

If you decide to do a manual install you will need a terminal with root permissions, the lmss executable, the lmss.desktop file and 100-wey-usbhid.rules.

The executable can be build or - for Linux users - downloaded from releases. If you decided to download the binary release .xz archive, navigate to the containing dir - in this example it will be the users download directory - and decompress it.

cd ~/Downloads
xz -kd lmss-4.0.4-Linux-bin.xz

now you should find a executable named lmss-4.0.4-Linux-bin, move it to the install location and change its name and file permissions to enable running it in a user session context.

sudo mv lmss-4.0.4-Linux-bin /usr/bin/lmss
sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/lmss

The .desktop file can be downloaded from releases and needs to be placed in on of the XDG autostart directories. In this example we will use the global autostart directory, see the lmss autostart wiki page for more information.

sudo mv lmss.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/lmss.desktop

The udev.rules file is needed since v4.0.x and can be downloaded from releases. It shall be moved to the udev-rules.d dir, e.g. /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/

sudo mv 100-wey-usbhid.rules /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/100-wey-usbhid.rules

After logoff/login lmss should autostart with your user session.