Building - WEYTEC/LMSS GitHub Wiki
How to build
to build the project, you may need to install additional software first.
Compiling the Software
On ubuntu you will need to install some packages in order to be able to compile this project:
sudo apt install libxrandr-dev libx11-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev build-essential git cmake
on CentOS this would more look like:
sudo yum install libXrandr-devel libX11-devel libusbx-devel git gcc gcc-c++ cmake
on Solaris:
sudo pkg install gcc gcc-c++ gnu-binutils git cmake pkg-info
Whats still missing will be reported by cmake.
to compile the project without cmake one can run:
gcc -o lmss main.c -lX11 -lusb-1.0 -lXrandr
Building the Packages
for rpm-based distros:
cpack -G RPM
for deb-based ones:
cpack -G DEB
Here is where it gets a bit more complicated, but Solaris users will already know this. Or PR a simpler way :-)
to lint the provided package dependency resolution file.
You may now deploy to your own repo.
Further Information is available here: Solaris Building Package Guide