platform manager - WEKIT-ECS/MIRAGE-XR GitHub Wiki

At the moment, there are two different views throughout the system, the mobile user interface (mobileUI) and the world-space user interface (worldspaceUI). They are set up in PlatformManager.cs, in the inspector fields for World Space Objects (not used, placeholder for new spatial UI) and Screen Space Objects.

Mobile User Interface

The View.prefab is a wrapper for mobileUI_v2.prefab, and can be found in Assets/MirageXR/Design/MobileUI/Prefabs. It needs to be linked under Screen Space Objects in the PlatformManager inspector.

World Space (Spatial) UI

Currently, loading the Assets/MirageXR/Scenes/ActivitySelection scene via the PlatformManager's private variable ActivitySelectionScene, instantiating in Assets/MirageXR/Scripts/AppStart.cs the scene into the hierarchy:

    private static IEnumerator LoadScene()
        var loader = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(RootObject.Instance.PlatformManager.ActivitySelectionScene, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
        while (loader is not {isDone: true})
            yield return null;

In the future, this will be instantiated the same style as the Mobile UI, using the World Space Objects.

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