cmd gardening - WEKIT-ECS/MIRAGE-XR GitHub Wiki

Tools for Code Sanitizing and Maintenance


The project uses StyleCop Analyzers to inspect all source code and flag potential issues. We have configured the rules rather restrictively to flag only lacking documentation, and only in our Assets/MirageXR/ folder.

Dependencies Hunter: dead code and assets

We have added Dependencies Hunter, a nifty little editor tool that helps chase down dead code and assets. Anyone running it, might want to edit the file DependenciesHunter.cs and uncomment the first line:


The big report is available via Tools > Dependencies Hunter.

Find soon to be deprecated legacy code (and other)

Find all occurrences of GameObject.Find:

git grep -n GameObject.Find

Some Stats

Count lines of code:

cloc *
cloc Assets/MirageXR/*