Platform Manager - WEKIT-ECS/MIRAGE-XR GitHub Wiki
At the moment, there are two different views throughout the system, the mobile user interface (mobileUI) and the world-space user interface (worldspaceUI). They are set up in PlatformManager.cs
, in the inspector fields for World Space Objects
(not used, placeholder for new spatial UI) and Screen Space Objects
Mobile User Interface
The View.prefab
is a wrapper for mobileUI_v2.prefab
, and can be found in Assets/MirageXR/Design/MobileUI/Prefabs
. It needs to be linked under Screen Space Objects
in the PlatformManager inspector.
World Space (Spatial) UI
Currently, loading the Assets/MirageXR/Scenes/ActivitySelection
scene via the PlatformManager's private variable ActivitySelectionScene
, instantiating in Assets/MirageXR/Scripts/AppStart.cs
the scene into the hierarchy:
private static IEnumerator LoadScene()
var loader = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(RootObject.Instance.PlatformManager.ActivitySelectionScene, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
while (loader is not {isDone: true})
yield return null;
In the future, this will be instantiated the same style as the Mobile UI, using the World Space Objects