Our Custom Networking Library - VulcanStorm/NCTGroupProject1 GitHub Wiki
So far...
- Client can send messages to the server, but the server cannot send messages back to the client
- (Proof of this in test 8)
- We have a network connection array for each network peer, which details all the connections that they have.
- We have a network player array which is shared over all peers of the network
- We are sync'ing the mNetworkPlayer arrays over all machines on the network.
- The mNetworkPlayer items correspond to the server connection IDs, on a 1:1 basis.
- This means that each player has a Unique ID associated with them.
- So to send a message from the client to a different client.
- send it to the server
- the server then reads the message, and determines which client the message should be sent to
- the server then sends the message to the correct connection
- the correct client receives the message
So what's happening now?
We need to test the message distribution, just to check if the RPC sending to specific people actually does work.
Future Implementation?
- Network Instantiation will be required. We need to add some way to create the same object on everyone's machine and assign the same network ID.
- Also, we need to test whether game IDs are correctly assigned and maintained
- We need a send rate option. To improve performance, only sending messages at a desired time interval. Rather than every frame.
- With this send rate, should come some way to easily synchronise position/rotation and other variables.