Interface - VoyVivika/shapeshift GitHub Wiki
The Interface is the Set of Buttons, Icons, Text, ETC. that house all of Shapeshift's features.
Main Interface
- Create Objects
Clicking this causes the Create Objects menu to appear. Clicking options will Create objects or provide an error for why the object could not be created.
- Save to S2M
This saves your Project as a Shapeshift 2 Model (.S2M) format, a Plain Text Model Format used by Shapeshift.
- Load
This loads .S2M Files
- Info
This Opens the Splash Screen.
- Export to SGRM
This Exports your Project as a Shapeshift Game Ready Model (SGRM) for use in games.
- Import
Imports supported Model Formats. This Includes:
Exported T-Mesh Files
- Material Sidebar
See the Shapes And Materials Page
- 3D Object Counts
Displays the 3D Objects used by P3D Including the Grid Floor, Polygons, Primitives, and Points.
Visible on Screen (Being Rendered)/Total 3D Objects
- Resample
Smooths the Textures (Provides a look similar to Nintendo 64 Graphics)
- Depth
The Distance before objects begin to fade out. Lower = Objects fade sooner.
Misc Stuff
- Mouse Look
Click and Hold on this to Rotate the Camera
- Deselect
Deselects currently selected objects (Points, Shapes, Dummy, etc.)
- Delete
Deletes currently selected object (Point, Shape, Dummy, etc.)
- Duplicate
Makes a direct copy of the currently selected object (does not copy tags)
Shape Interface
Primitives & Points
Points Only Contain the Axis Transforms. Primitives contain everything in the following Image.
- Obstacle Type
This allows you to Select the Obstacle Type (None, Obstacle (Stops you if you collide with it at all), Slope (Can move on depending on Angle))
- Pivot Point Buttons
This is a system where Objects in your Game will rotate around a point. Copy a Point's Value to be able to set it as the pivot point. This does not allow you to rotate these around points in the Editor, only within your own game.
- Apply Selected Material
Applies the Currently Selected Material to the currently selected Primitive.
- Transform Types
Select how you would like to Transform the Object (Change Position, Change Rotation, Change Size)
Axis Transforms (Primitives & Points)
This acts the same for X, Y and Z. If you have a Primitive Selected it react to the selected Transform Type, Points only move their position.
- Drag
Click and Hold on this to Drag your mouse to Add/Subtract from the current Transform type.
- Axis Input
Directly Input a Number to set the Transform type to.
- Apply Button
Applies the current Number in the Axis Input to the Transform type.
- Obstacle Type
This allows you to Select the Obstacle Type (None, Obstacle (Stops you if you collide with it at all), Slope (Can move on depending on Angle))
- Apply Selected Material
Applies the Currently Selected Material to the currently selected Polygon.
- Cull Backface
Disables rendering on the back side of the polygon (improves performance)
- Flip
Flips points to the opposite points (use this if the polygon is invisible on the side you want it visible)
- Select Point
Allows you to select the points of the Polygon from within the Polygon's Editor.
3 will be listed if it's a Tri, 4 will be listed if it's a Quad.
- Set Point
Copy the Value of a Point and you can set a new point to the Polygon. 3 if it's a Tri, 4 if it's a Quad.
- Cycle Points (Rotate Texture)
This cycles through the points, Cycling them through the object. Because of how Textures work in P3D this also Rotates the Texture.
Here's an Example with a Tri.