Database Schema - Vorquel/yard-sale-mapper GitHub Wiki

The database for the app will be made of three tables, one for user profiles, another for yard sale information, and a the last for distances between yard sales. The tables are organized as follows.

User table rows

id: the primary key for the user
username: self-explanatory
password: a salted hash of the password
address: the preferred stating location for yard sale
radius: the preferred radius from the starting location to look for yard sales

Yard Sale table rows

id: the primary key for the yard sale
where: the address of the yard sale
s_time: start time of the yard sale
e_time: end time of the yard sale
date: date of the yard sale

Distance table rows

id1: the primary key for the first yard sale
id2: the primary key for the second yard sale
distance: the distance between the two yard sales