Commands - VolumetricPixels/Politics GitHub Wiki

Below is a list of all commands and their required permissions.


Group commands can be named nearly anything. They can start with town or faction or f depending on what your configuration is. Basically, the command is the id of a group level. (More information on group levels is on the Universe Rules page)

claim - Claims the current plot for the group.

  • Usage - group claim [-g group] [-u universe]
  • Permissions -<group level id>.claim,<group level id>.claim (Allows claiming land for other groups)


Claims the plot you are standing in for your group.

group is an optional group you can specify. It takes in a group tag. universe is an optional universe you can specify if you want to specify a group of the same level from a different universe.

create - Creates a new group.

  • Usage - group create <name> [-f founder] [-u universe] [-t tag]
  • Permissions -<group level id>.create,<group level id>.create (Allows creation of groups under another's name)


Creates a new group with a founder.

name is the name of the group to be created. It can be one or many words.

By default, founder is the player who triggered the command. However, with the -f option, one can specify a founder if they were using the command line or wanted to create a group for someone else. To do this, the<group level id>.create permission is required.

universe is the universe in which the command takes place. By default it is in the player's current universe; however, from the command line, the default is not an option. Instead, the -u flag takes in a universe id.

tag is the shorthand, lowercase, spaceless unique id for the group. By default, it is the name of the group all in lowercase with hyphens instead of spaces.

demote - Demotes a player in the group.

  • Usage - group demote <player> [-g group] [-u universe]
  • Permissions -<group level id>.demote,<group level id>.demote (Allows promoting players in other groups)


Demotes the given player player to the previous role.

group is an optional group you can specify. It takes in a group tag. universe is an optional universe you can specify if you want to specify a group of the same level from a different universe.

destroy - Gets rid of a group.

  • Usage - group destroy [-g group] [-u universe]
  • Permissions -<group level id>.destroy,<group level id>.destroy (Allows destruction of other groups)


Destroys the group you are in. Defaults to your group.g

group is an optional group you can specify. It takes in a group tag. universe is an optional universe you can specify if you want to specify a group of the same level from a different universe.

promote - Promotes a player in the group.

  • Usage - group promote <player> [-g group] [-u universe]
  • Permissions -<group level id>.promote,<group level id>.promote (Allows promoting players in other groups)


Promotes the given player player to the next role.

group is an optional group you can specify. It takes in a group tag. universe is an optional universe you can specify if you want to specify a group of the same level from a different universe.

setrole - Sets the role of a player in the group.

  • Usage - group setrole <player> <role> [-g group] [-u universe]
  • Permissions -<group level id>.setrole,<group level id>.setrole (Allows setting the role of other groups)


Sets the role of the given player player to the specified role role.

group is an optional group you can specify. It takes in a group tag. universe is an optional universe you can specify if you want to specify a group of the same level from a different universe.

setspawn - Sets the spawn of a group.

  • Usage - group setspawn [-g group] [-u universe]
  • Permissions -<group level id>.setspawn,<group level id>.setspawn (Allows unclaiming land from other groups)


Sets the spawn of a group to the position you are standing.

group is an optional group you can specify. It takes in a group tag. universe is an optional universe you can specify if you want to specify a group of the same level from a different universe.

spawn - Teleports a player to the spawn of the group.

  • Usage - group spawn [-p player] [-g group] [-u universe]
  • Permissions -<group level id>.setspawn,<group level id>.setspawn (Allows unclaiming land from other groups)


Teleports a player to the spawn of the given group. Requires the SPAWN privilege.

player defaults to the sender of the command. The SPAWN_OTHER privilege is required to use this if you are a player. (Or the admin privilege)

group is an optional group you can specify. It takes in a group tag. universe is an optional universe you can specify if you want to specify a group of the same level from a different universe.

unclaim - Unclaims the land for the group.

  • Usage - group claim [-g group] [-u universe]
  • Permissions -<group level id>.unclaim,<group level id>.unclaim (Allows unclaiming land from other groups)


Unclaims the plot you are standing in from your group.

group is an optional group you can specify. It takes in a group tag. universe is an optional universe you can specify if you want to specify a group of the same level from a different universe.


about - Gives information about the plugin.

  • Usage - politics about
  • Permissions - politics.politics.about


Gives information about the plugin's version and creators.


create - Creates a new universe with the specified rules.

  • Usage - universe create <name> <rules> [worlds]
  • Permissions - politics.universe.create


Creates a new universe with the given set of rules.

<name> should not contain spaces or slashes.

Available rules can be listed via the universe rules command. For more information about rules, see Universe Rules.

The optional parameter [worlds] denotes the worlds in which this universe will have its influence. By default, the universe takes effect in all worlds. [worlds] must be a comma-delimited string; for example, if one would like the universe to be in the worlds world and world_nether, the [worlds] parameter should be world,world_nether. (No spaces)

destroy - Gets rid of an existing universe.

  • Usage - universe create <name> <rules> [worlds]
  • Permissions - politics.universe.create


Destroys an existing universe. Other than by restoring a backup of both the worlds and the universe, there is no way to revert this change.

rules - Displays information about universe rules.

  • Usage - universe rules
  • Permissions - politics.universe.rules


Lists all possible rules to use. This is determined by the files ending in .yml in the rules/ folder.

For more information, see Universe Rules.

genrules - Generates rules based on templates.

  • Usage - universe genrules <template> [-f] [-n name]
  • Permissions - politics.universe.genrules


Generates a set of rules. A list of templates can be found in the Universe Rules page.

  • -f - Forces the rule to be generated even if the file already exists.
  • -n name - Specifies a name for the generated rule YML file. Defaults to the name of the template.
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