Setting up Pull Requests (as outsider) - Vivoe/turkish-delight-bot GitHub Wiki

Setting up Pull Requests

Get an invitation from the owner.

Get Git Bash

Setting up Branch

Clone this repository

  • Once you have Git Bash open, try to run these commands in this order: If it doesn't work, that's ok, move onto the next steps.
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "your username"
  • Change directory to a folder or place where you want to store all your GitHub repositories eg. \~\Desktop\GitHub. You can do so by the following commands: cd Desktop\GitHub

  • Clone this repository by clicking on the Git Clone/Download button to get the HTTPS link and copy it. Run this command git clone <HTTPS link>" and cd to the newly created folder (cd turkish-delight-not)

  • You will probably be prompted to run these commands again:

git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "your username"

and login to GitHub

Create a branch

  • Run this command git checkout -b "insert_name"

Pull Requests

  • Best to git status and git pull before you push
  • Once you created a branch, you can make changes and do the regular push routine (git add ., git commit -m "message", git push)
  • Make a New Pull Request
  • If there's conflicts, resolve it and Mark as Resolved
  • Wait for Justin to approve. If not, your code it probably shit so pull, change, and push again
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