angelfire metadata format - VisionSystemsInc/voxel_globe GitHub Wiki


  • AngelFire data consists of 6 images take are taken simultaneously from a matrix of cameras, similar to CLIF
  • The images are named “YYYYMMDDhhmmss-%08d-%02d-VIS.jpg” with the first number being the frame number and the second number being the camera number
  • There is a corresponding .pos metadata file for each set of 6 frames.
  • The text files describe the position and heading of the plane and have the following 15 data fields (comma separated one line files):
    1. Magic Number – Just the string “$ANGELFIRE” without the quotes
    2. Rotation about the z-axis – Rotations in degrees
    3. Rotation about the x-axis – Rotation in degrees
    4. Rotation about the y-axis – Rotation in degrees
      • Final rotation order is z-x-y, where x and y were negative
    5. Latitude – WGS-84 degrees
    6. Longitude – WGS-84 degrees
    7. Altitude – Feet above the WGS-84 ellipsoid
    8. GPS time – Seconds after midnight Sunday
    9. GPS week – Weeks since Jan 6, 1980
    10. North Velocity
    11. East Velocity
    12. Up Velocity
    13. IMU status
    14. Local Adjustment
    15. Daylight Savings time flag
  • Pos files are named for cameras 0 only.
  • The orientation of the cameras represent the orientation of the camera plate, not camera 0
  • Each individual camera is rotated so that there is about 100 pixels of overlap
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