VXL KRT Format - VisionSystemsInc/voxel_globe GitHub Wiki

A krt camera consists of three parts, the K camera matrix, R rotation matrix, and t translation vector. The file itself is an ASCII readable file. Each line contains 3 numbers per line, space delimited, with an extra newline between K and R, and R and t.

K[0,0] K[0,1] K[0,2]
K[1,0] K[1,1] K[1,2]
K[2,0] K[2,1] K[2,2]

R[0,0] R[0,1] R[0,2]
R[1,0] R[1,1] R[1,2]
R[2,0] R[2,1] R[2,2]

t[0] t[1] t[2]

Where T=KR[I|-t]

Each KRT file describes a camera for one frame, and typically has a .txt extension.


1468.6 0 640
0 1468.6 360
0 0 1

-1.38778e-17 1 0
0.707107 -1.38778e-17 -0.707107
-0.707107 0 -0.707107

-16.3078 -33.675 162.232