Order Point Cloud Tutorial - VisionSystemsInc/voxel_globe GitHub Wiki

Generate a Point Cloud

Once a voxel world has been generated, the voxel world can be processed into a point cloud for viewing. To start, click "Order Point Cloud" to begin an order.

Select your voxel world you want to generate a point cloud, and choose a threshold between 0 and 1. A threshold of 0.7 means "Draw points for voxels that have a 70% probability of being a surface." Depending on the quality of the cameras and images, values from 0.3 to 0.7 are typical. Click order to start the point cloud generation.

Generate a Point Cloud with Error Statistics

A second type of point cloud can be ordered, "Order Point Cloud with LE/CE", which uses the images and cameras to calculate LE/CE statistics for every point in the voxel world.

Like a normal point cloud, select the voxel world and theshold to use. Additionally, you need to specify the cameras to use for the error statistics. Depending on extra metadata like inget_voxel_globe.json, camera sets can have additional error statistics stored with the camera.

It is possible to override the database per camera error statistics and specify a single value for the positional error and orientation error by filling in the values. If they are left blank, the database per camera values will be used.

Generating an LE/CE pointcloud is a very slow and lengthy process. While using all the images gives the best statistics, you may want to use less images. Fill in the "Number of images" to use only so many images in the error statistics, else leave it blank to use them all (may take hours or longer)


For every images, a significant amount of the time is spend in a precast1 and pre_accumulate step. The last step to take considerable time is the export to ply stage.

Once you have generated a point cloud, use the point cloud viewer to visualize the pointcloud, or download it in ply format.