Frequently Asked Questions - VisionSystemsInc/voxel_globe GitHub Wiki


  1. What is VoxelGlobe?
    • VoxelGlobe is a suite of VSI algorithms wrapped in a web server and deployed using dockers to easily use anywhere. All pages are accessible by an HTML 5 compliant web browser, with the latest Firefox being the focus of support. There are two parts to VoxelGlobe, the server where the algorithms run, and the client interface, running in the web browser


  1. How do I start up the VoxelGlobe Server?

  2. How do I manage all the pieces of the VoxelGlobe server?

    • There are many moving piece to VoxelGlobe that get very complicated very quickly. To hide all these detail and make things easy, there is a command called just in the root of the git repo, typically run by ./just since it won't be in your path
  3. How can I run "just" without the ./? How can I get tab completion working on just?

    • There is a convenient .just script that will add just to your path and add tab completion. "Just"

        source .just
    • or

        . .just

    Note: All documentation will assume you don't have just in your path, and will read ./just instead of just for all just command. If you source .just you can freely start ignoring the ./ notation.

  4. What all can just do?

    • Run ./just help to get a short list of help available. Also see here for a listing
  5. How to I checkout the latest/a specific version of VoxelGlobe?

  6. Why are all the static files returning 404 when using runserver?


  1. How do I use VoxelGlobe?

    • Please refer to the comprehensive tutorials for help.
  2. The cesium globe isn't loading, and even isn't loading webgl suceessfully

    • Other Symptoms - Start firefox from command line. If you see messages like

        GLContext is disabled due to a previous crash.|[10][GFX1-]: 
        GLContext is disabled due to a previous crash.[GFX1-]: 
        GLContext is disabled due to a previous crash.
    • Solution: Enter about:config in your url bar, and change gfx.crash-guard.status.glcontext from 3 to 2, reload page and it should be working