Control Point Triangulation Registration Tutorial - VisionSystemsInc/voxel_globe GitHub Wiki

Ordering SFM registration will register every camera relatively to each other. In the case of no GPS metadata or poor GPS metadata, this will not be good enough. Using the "Camera Georegistration" app will apply tie points created from the "Tie Point Creator" and use them to triangulate 3D points, and then georegister the cameras to these known 3D control points.

To georegister an image set, first upload control point without the word "error" in their name. Only control points without "error" in their name are used for Triangulation Registration. Next, use the Tie Point Creator to create tie points in more than two image (per control point) for at least 4 control points. This is the absolute minimum number, but you should choose many more tie points to have an accurate estimation. Also, use cameras that are far apart from each other, to get a better 3D triangulation calculation.

From the home page, start the "Camera Georegistration" app. Choose the image collection and camera set to process, and the registration will begin.

Every image will be checked for tie points, and then tie points that correspond to control points without the name "error" in their name will be used to create 3D points, that are used to create a rotation and translation correction that are applied to the cameras to georegister the cameras.

This is a fairly quick process and should be done in seconds. View the updated cameras in the Tie Point Creator when done.

When an image collection is georegistered, a new scene origin with "Tie Point registered" added to the name is created. Use this updated scene origin for other apps, such as building a voxel world.