API Reference - VisionSystemsInc/voxel_globe GitHub Wiki

Complete API reference materials for the VoxelGlobe platform

API Endpoints

Click the name to see full reference material for the API endpoint.

API Endpoint Description
/user/ User Information API
/meta/rest/auto/ RESTful API for database

API Reference


Type URL Description Content Type Response
GET /meta/rest/auto/ API Root Lists other endpoints
HEAD /meta/rest/auto/ ? ?
GET /meta/rest/auto/{type}/ Get list of all entries JSON of all objects
POST /meta/rest/auto/{type}/ Create a new entry application/jsonmultipart/form-dataapplication/X-www-form-urlencoded
GET /meta/rest/auto/{type}/{id}/ Gets a single entry JSON of object
PATCH /meta/rest/auto/{type}/{id}/ Update a single entry application/jsonmultipart/form-dataapplication/X-www-form-urlencoded
PUT /meta/rest/auto/{type}/{id}/ Sets a single entry (all fields must be set, or else defaults are used) application/jsonmultipart/form-dataapplication/X-www-form-urlencoded
DELETE /meta/rest/auto/{type}/{id}/ Delete a single entry
GET /meta/rest/auto/{type}/{id}/{many_to_many_field}/ List all m2m objects JSON objects
POST /meta/rest/auto/{type}/{id}/{many_to_many_field}/ Add an entry to the m2m list
GET /meta/rest/auto/{type}/{id}/{many_to_many_field}/{m2m_id}/ Gets the specific entry JSON objects
DELETE /meta/rest/auto/{type}/{id}/{many_to_many_field}/{m2m_id}/ Removes an entry from the m2m list JSON objects
OPTIONS /meta/rest/auto/*** All endpoints take an Options request see here for more info

Specifying DRF Content Type

Just add the GET/POST parameter format

Format key Format Content Type
json JSON object application/json
api Pretty HTML output test/html

See here for default render explanation


The django-filter and OrderingFilter are installed and configured


Pagination is turned on (without limits currently) and uses the param page_size


Type URL Description Content-Type Response
GET /user/ Gets the entire user configuration 1
POST /user/ Sets (and overrides) the entire user information application/jsonmultipart/form-dataapplication/X-www-form-urlencoded 2
GET /user/{key} Gets the value of a single piece of user information 1
POST /user/{key} Sets the value of a single piece of user information application/json 2



Content: JSON string representing value. null if not found.


Empty json object