Data - VirtueSky/sunflower GitHub Wiki
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Unity.Serialization{Unity.Serialization} --> W(Write) & R(Read)
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Data[("Data <br> Profile 0<br>.<br>.<br>.<br> Profile N <br> Dictionary<string,byte[]>")] --> |Default use profile 0| ChangeProfile(ChangeProfile)
Data --> |Auto save on Application pause or quit| SaveToFile(SaveToFile)--> Unity.Serialization
Data --> |Auto load when startup| LoadFromFile(LoadFromFile)--> Unity.Serialization
Data --> Get(Get<T>) & Set(Set<T>) & DeleteKey(DeleteKey) & HasKey(HasKey) & DeleteAll(DeleteAll)
File{{File Data}} --- W & R
- Use Newtonsoft.Json to serialize data (version < 2.4.5)
- Starting from version 2.4.6, the data system changes, switch to using Unity.Serialization to serialize binary data
- Data allows you to store data in byte[] form in blocks called profiles. Each profile is a Dictionary with the key as a string and the value as a byte[].
The default profile will be 0 if you want to Load or Save in another profile you will need to call the
Note: Please consider carefully before updating to the new version (may cause loss of previous data)
- Initialize data when loading the game:
- Change Profile:
GameData.ChangeProfile(int profile)
- Load Data:
Load all data from file for game, data will be loaded automatically when starting the game - Get Data:
GameData.Get("KEY", valueDefault);
use similar to PlayerPrefs - Set Data:
GameData.Set("KEY", value);
use similar to PlayerPrefs - Save Data:
data will be automatically saved when quit game or pause game. - Has Key:
GameData.HasKey(string key)
to check if the profile has a key, - DeleteKey:
GameData.DeleteKey(string key)
to delete the key from the profile - DeleteAll:
to delete the entire key - Backup:
Get raw byte[] of all data of profile - Restore:
GameData.Restore(byte[] bytes)
Load from byte[]