MCCL Getting Started on Windows - VirtualPhotonics/Vts.MonteCarlo GitHub Wiki

Getting the MCCL application

Download the application from GitHub:

  • Download latest version for your operating system from Releases
  • Once the zip file has been downloaded, extract or unzip contents
  • The downloaded files include:
    • mc.exe - the MCCL executable
    • *.m, jsonlab folder - MATLAB scripts to enable viewing the results using MATLAB
    • Vts.dll - the VTS library and other libraries necessary to executing MCCL

Running a sample input file on windows:

  • Requirements: .NET 8.0 - download here
  • Open a command window and set the current directory to the folder of the unzipped files
  • Type: "mc.exe geninfiles" will generate several sample infiles. The sample input files are named infile_*, where * indicates the source, tissue and detector definitions designated within the file. Note that the default source definition is a point source perpendicular to the tissue surface and when the infile has this source definition, it is not part of the name. For example, the infile "infile_one_layer_all_detectors.txt" designates a point source, one layer tissue and all detectors currently available.
  • Type: "mc.exe infile=infile_one_layer_all_detectors.txt"
  • This sample infile only specifies 100 photons to be launched so should execute quickly
  • Progress of the simulation should be seen on the screen (percentage complete)

MCCL Execution

Viewing the results using MATLAB

For Linux, Mac and Windows:

  • Requirements: MATLAB R2011b and higher
  • After running a sample infile, a folder will be created in the current directory. For the infile described above, "infile_one_layer_all_detectors.txt", the folder will be named "one_layer_all_detectors"
  • Bring up MATLAB and edit the script file load_results_script.m. Set "datanames = { ' one_layer_all_detectors' };" (see figure below) and save changes
  • Execute this script by typing "load_results_script" at the MATLAB prompt
  • Plots of the all detector results specified in the infile will come to the screen

Load Results Script