MCCL Getting Started on Mac - VirtualPhotonics/Vts.MonteCarlo GitHub Wiki
Getting the MCCL application
Download the application from GitHub:
- Download the latest version from Releases by right clicking on file and selecting "Download Linked File" or "Download Linked File As" (replace xxx with the version number). (Do not "double click" to download)
- Once the zip file has been downloaded, extract or unzip contents. If the unzip files do not contain a folder named "jsonlab", use the command line option to unzip: open a terminal window, "cd" to the directory the zip is in. Unzip contents to a new folder ("MCCL") by using command "unzip -d ./MC_vxxx_Mac_x64" (replace xxx with the version number).
- The downloaded files include:
- mc - the MCCL executable
- *.m - MATLAB scripts to enable viewing the results using MATLAB
- Vts.dll - the VTS library and other libraries necessary to executing MCCL
- "jasonlab" folder
Running a sample input file on OSX:
- Download and install dotnet runtime 8.0 - instructions here.
- Change directory to unzipped folder ("cd MC_vxxx_Mac_x64")
- The file permissions get reset when zip is made, so to set them for all files type "chmod 644 *"
- Make the MCCL an executable file "chmod 755 mc"
- To generate sample infiles type "./mc geninfiles". The sample input files are named infile_*, where * indicates the source, tissue and detector definitions designated within the file. Note that the default source definition is a point source perpendicular to the tissue surface and when the infile has this source definition, it is not part of the name. For example, the infile "infile_one_layer_all_detectors.txt" designates a point source, one layer tissue and all detectors currently available.
- If you get "mc cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified" error, open "Security and Privacy" setting of your Mac and allow the application.
- To run sample infile "./mc infile=infile_one_layer_all_detectors.txt"
- Output to the screen will be similar to that shown in figure below will be displayed
- Output will be in folder named by infile "OutputName"
- To view plots of results using Matlab, see next section
Viewing the results using MATLAB or GNU Octave
For linux, Mac and Windows:
- Requirements: MATLAB R2011b and higher
- After running a sample infile, a folder will be created in the current directory. For the infile described above, "infile_one_layer_all_detectors.txt", the folder will be named "one_layer_all_detectors"
- Bring up MATLAB or Octave and edit the script file load_results_script.m. Set "datanames = { ' one_layer_all_detectors' };" (see figure below) and save changes
- For Octave users, if the infile in the datanames folder is not found make sure that "outdir" is set to the absolute location of that folder (not relative)
- Execute this script by typing "load_results_script" at the MATLAB or Octave prompt
- Plots of the all detector results specified in the infile will come to the screen