virgil private key del.1 - VirgilSecurity/virgil-cli GitHub Wiki
private-key-del -- delete a private key from the Private Keys Service
virgil private-key-del -a <arg> -k <file> [-p <arg>] [-V] [--] [--version]
The utility allows you to delete the private key from the Private Keys Service.
-a <arg>, --card-id <arg>
(required) Virgil Card identifier
-k <file>, --key <file>
(required) Private Key
-p <arg>, --private-key-password <arg>
Private Key Password.
Shows detailed information.
--, --ignore_rest
Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
Displays version information and exits.
-h, --help
Displays usage information and exits.
Delete a private key from the Private Keys Service:
virgil private-key-del -k private.key -a <card_id>
virgil(1) virgil-config(1) virgil-keygen(1) virgil-identity-confirm-private(1) virgil-identity-confirm-global(1)