virgil exhash.1 - VirgilSecurity/virgil-cli GitHub Wiki
exhash -- derives hash from the given data with PBKDF function
virgil exhash [-i <file>] [-o <file>] -s <file> [-a <sha1|sha224|sha256|sha384
|sha512>] [-c <int>] [-V] [--] [--version] [-h]
Derives the obfuscated data from incoming parameters using PBKDF function.
-i <file>, --in <file>
The string value to be hashed. If omitted, stdout is used.
-o <file>, --out <file>
Hash. If omitted, stdout is used.
-s <file>, --salt <file>
(required) The hash salt.
-a <sha1|sha224|sha256|sha384|sha512>, --algorithm <sha1|sha224|sha256
Underlying hash algorithm:
* sha1 - secure Hash Algorithm 1;
* sha224 - secure Hash Algorithm 2, that are 224 bits;
* sha256 - secure Hash Algorithm 2, that are 256 bits;
* sha384 - secure Hash Algorithm 2, that are 384 bits(default);
* sha512 - secure Hash Algorithm 2, that are 512 bits;
-c <int>, --iterations <int>
Iterations count. Default - 2048
Shows detailed information.
--, --ignore_rest
Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
Displays version information and exits.
-h, --help
Displays usage information and exits.
Underlying hash - SHA384 (default), iterations - 2048 (default):
virgil exhash -i data.txt -o obfuscated_data.txt -s data_salt.txt
Underlying hash - SHA512, iterations - 4096:
virgil exhash -i data.txt -o obfuscated_data.txt -s data_salt.txt -a sha512 -c 4096
virgil(1) virgil-card-create-private(1)