virgil encrypt.1 - VirgilSecurity/virgil-cli GitHub Wiki


encrypt -- encrypt data for provided recipients.


    virgil encrypt  [-i <file>] [-o <file>] [-c <file>] [-V] [--] [--version] [-h]
            <recipient> ...


The utility allows you to encrypt data with a password or a combination of public key + recipient-id.

recipient-id is an identifier which will be associated with the public key. If a sender has a Virgil Card, his recipient-id is the Card's id. Public key is saved in the Card.

Please note that you will need a provided password or a provided combination of private key + recipient-id for decryption.


    -i <file>,  --in <file>
     Data to be encrypted. If omitted, stdin is used.

    -o <file>,  --out <file>
     Encrypted data. If omitted, stdout is used.

    -c <file>,  --content-info <file>
     Content info - meta information about encrypted data. If omitted,
     becomes a part of the encrypted data.

    -V,  --VERBOSE
     Shows detailed information.

    --,  --ignore_rest
     Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.

     Displays version information and exits.

    -h,  --help
     Displays usage information and exits.

    <recipient>  (accepted multiple times)
     Contains information about one recipient.




        * if password, then <value> - recipient's password;

        * if id, then <value> - recipient's UUID associated with Virgil

         Card identifier;

        * if vcard, then <value> - recipient's the Virgil Card file

          stored locally;

        * if email, then <value> - recipient's email;

        * if pubkey, then <value> - recipient's public key + identifier, for example:

        * if private, then set type:value for searching Private Virgil
            Card(s)  with confirmed identity (see 'virgil card-create-private').
            For example: private:<obfuscated_type>:<obfuscated_value> ( obfiscator - see 'virgil hash')


  1. Alice encrypts plain.txt for Bob using his email (searching the Global Virgil Card(s)):

    virgil encrypt -i plain.txt -o plain.txt.enc email:[email protected]
  2. Alice encrypts plain.txt for Bob using his email (searching the Private Virgil Card(s)):

    virgil encrypt -i plain.txt -o plain.txt.enc private:email:[email protected]
  3. Alice encrypts plain.txt for Bob using his email (searching the Private Virgil Card(s)):

    virgil encrypt -i plain.txt -o plain.txt.enc private:<obfuscated_type>:<obfuscated_value>
  4. Alice encrypts plain.txt for Bob and Tom using their emails:

    virgil encrypt -i plain.txt -o plain.txt.venc email:[email protected] email:[email protected]
  5. Alice encrypts plain.txt with a password:

    virgil encrypt -i plain.txt -o plain.txt.venc password:strong_password
  6. Alice encrypts plain.txt with a combination of Public Key + recipient-id:

    virgil encrypt -i plain.txt -o plain.txt.venc pubkey:public.key:ForBob


virgil(1) virgil-config(1) virgil-decrypt(1)

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