Usage - Viperinius/ILIAS-Sync2Folder GitHub Wiki

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction

  2. Title Bar

    1. Logging in/out
    2. Changing the window style
  3. Tab "Synchronising"

  4. Tab "Course Options"

  5. Tab "Folder Options"

  6. Tab "General Settings"

  7. Tab "Help & Info"


When opening Sync2Folder, the programme will start like this: pic1

Title bar

At the top of the window, two buttons are located next to the standard minimise, maximise, close buttons: The login button with the connection status and one to change the window style.

Logging in/out

When clicking the login button, you will be prompted to enter your login credentials: pic2 Afterwards, Sync2Folder will try to login to ILIAS. If you are not member of the ILIAS at FH Bielefeld, you have to enter a login link to your university's ILIAS (see more at Tab "General Settings"). If the login is successfully done, a checkmark will appear at "Connection Status".

To log out again, simply click the button again and confirm the logout.

Changing the window style

You can customise the look of the programme by clicking on "Change style..." in the top: pic3 It is possible to toggle between the light and a dark design and to set a colour scheme from a range of options.

Tab "Synchronising"

This tab is the main page from where you start the download process. The following table shows what each option does:

Option Explanation
Start synchronisation Starts the sync process if logged in (also used to stop if you want to abort).
Show only When ticked, the sync process will fetch and list all files and their status without downloading them.
Only new files shown Only files that aren't found locally or received an update are listed.
Overwrite all updated files If activated, all files of which a new version is available for download will be automatically overwritten with the updated one.
Ignore all updates This automatically ignores all updated file versions that might be available.

The two progress bars indicate the current status of the general sync process and the current course.

Tab "Course Options"

This tab is used to manage which courses are included in the sync process. If you log in and switch to this tab, Sync2Folder will fetch the information of your courses and display them (progress of this fetching is displayed by the thin progress bar).

Note: Depending on the amount of courses, this might take a few seconds.

Option Explanation
Sync all If activated, all of your courses are always included to be synchronised.
(De-)Select all Allows to quickly select and deselect all courses.
Use own names Turn this on if you want to use custom names for the local course directories.
Edit selected course Used to be able to rename the selected course from the list.
Save changes When editing a course name, use this button to apply the changes made.

Tab "Folder Options"

This is the place to set the main folder settings.

Option Explanation
Destination folder This is where you set the folder to download the files to.
Open current path Opens the specified folder in your file explorer.
Use own folder structure If turned on, files get saved in the folder structure you specify.
Include the year Decides if the year of the course should be included in the folder name.
Template Enter your desired folder structure here. You can use % as a wildcard for the semester number and $ as a wildcard for the year.

Tab "General Settings"

Tab "Help & Info"