Assignment 11 - Vinniethatguy/UMKCCS101Labs GitHub Wiki
In this Exam you will ask the user for a text file to read. You’ll want to read all the words and output a count of the words that are used the most. ( We’ll only be concerned with words that have a length greater than 3 ) ●Don’t forget to remove any punctuation from the beginning and ending of the word.
In the previous sentence word should be counted once. Not word followed by a period.●Output the top 10 words that are used most. With the most frequently used words at the top.
Exclude all words that are 3 characters or less.
●Output the number words that appear only once. ( How many words are only used once ) ( Only words more than 3 characters )●Output how many unique words there are. ( Only words more than 3 characters )
●Recover gracefully from the user providing an invalid file.
●You may not finish it all, but work out as much as you can in an orderly manner. Plan your time efficiently